It seems that BucketWise uses git external references to pull in its plugin dependencies. Heroku uses git to manage applications, as in doing a git push (or similar) to deploy an application from a local repository to its Heroku location. Unfortunately, Heroku doesn't handle the external references. and leaves the plugins out of the deploy.
I found a fork by Tony Eichelberger ( that pulls out the git externals stuff and includes the plugins directly in the repository. doing a git clone from there and doing the Heroku setup stuff in the clone directory results in a working Heroku app.
There's a bit of a problem setting up the application once it's running. Heroku doesn't seem to support interactive Rake commands so I got into the Heroku console and directly created a new user and subscription to use.
- Clone the repository
git clone git:// bucketwise
- Create the Heroku app
heroku create my-bucketwise-app
git push heroku
heroku rake db:schema:load - Setup BucketWise
heroku console
>> user = User.create({:name => 'Full Name', :email => '', :user_name => 'username', :password => 'FancyPass234'})
>> sub = Subscription.create(:owner => user)
>> user.subscriptions << sub - Login & Profit!
BTW, I haven't tried it but the plugin changes here probably make the system work in DreamHost.
Do you remember what the incompatibilities were with Dreamhost? I am using Tony Eichelberger's clone on DH, but the submit buttons (e.g. "Record This Transaction") don't submit anything. Is that what you were seeing? Any suggestions?